Friday, July 15, 2011

ABCs of Motherhood

A - Amazingly Agile
B - Boredom Fixers
C - Cozy pillows
D - Doody cleaners
E - Ear washers
F - Fancifiers
G - Giggle makers
H - High-fivers
I - Ice-cream givers
J - Juice pourers
K - Kisses it better
L - Lovey finders
M - Magic makers
N - Nighttime cuddlers
O - Operates on dolls
P - Powerful
Q - Quiet wishers
R - Room monitors
S - Silly stories
T - Tummy fixers
U - Understanding
V - Valiant
W - Wonderful
X - Xray vision
Y - Youthful
Z - Zebra costume maker

That is a mom.


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