Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I am the World's Worst Blogger

Yes, it's only been a few days, but when I try to blog daily NOT blogging for a few seems like an eternity! Yikes!

Let's see... Wednesday SB woke up puking. It was also "Mommy won tickets to the circus" day, so that made for a worrisome morning. Puking was done by 2, everyone was Lysoled and we went to the circus where a very nice family decided to share their popcorn with the kids against my advice not to. Sorry, family, if you wound up puking yourselves.

Thursday was Mac's birthday. It was lovely. He's such a joy, but I went over that already.

Friday Marshall's family came into town and I spent the day frantically cleaning.

Saturday was the birthday party complete with 10,000 little boys running around my house. Okay, so it was 5 boys and SB, but it still seemed like 10,000.

Sunday was fairly quiet - church, hanging out, I sewed while the men-folk watched football.
Monday I was puking. It was not pretty.
Tuesday as I recovered I had to take Mac to his bi-annual visit to his GI doctor where, aside from weighing him, they could have done the entire thing over the phone. Yay for a 2 hour round trip just for them to tell me to keep on keepin' on. Thanks.

So that's been the last week in a nutshell (Anyone else automatically think of Austin Powers "in a nutshell" bit when they say that? No? Just me? Hm.). I promise to attempt being a better blogger in the future...

1 comment:

cujodi said...

2 thumbs up for the Austin Powers reference! Lol!! :)


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