Friday, July 1, 2011


A friend of mine recently posted this "news story" to his Facebook page. Someone in North Carolina thinks this kudzu-covered phone pole looks like a crucified Jesus.

Charles Buchanan  /  AP
Okay, now, folks. Here's the thing. This is not the first "Kudzu Jesus" to appear in the news. In a previous life, when I worked for the local TV news station, we got calls about these things all the time. In fact, a quick google image search comes up with 39,800 results for "Kudzu Jesus."

Like this:

If you are not familiar with the non-indigenous Southern plant known as kudzu, let me brief you. It's a Japanese plant brought to the US for erosion control - only here in the US Kudzu has no fauna to eat it, so it's grown very prolific. It's everywhere, people. Nothing can stop it - we've tried! It's been nicknamed "the vine that ate the South."

This was once a house, people!
 In fact, Clemson frat boys dress up in it - for fun - for parades. I can't imagine the ants in their pants after that.

Stupid frat boys...

Anyway, the stuff is everywhere... and I had prepared to write an entire post about finding Christ in the Kudzu, but I was sidetracked by memories of college and the Kudzu Kids, so maybe I'll save the Jesus post for another day and just sit back and recall my yesteryears.

Have a happy 4th, y'all.


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