Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Wedding Gifts

A dear friend of ours is getting married next month, so I was looking online at their registries last night. And laughing.

I remember when Marshall and I were getting married. We were 22 years old and had a mixture of everything and nothing. We both had toasters - that were each 10 years old and were faulty. We both had a set of spoons and spatulas from the dollar store that were half-melted. We both had towels from the day our parents had shipped us off to college, completely mismatched and frayed.

So when we were told to point the little scanner gun at anything we wanted - we sure did! Towels, a knife block, a Kitchen-Aid mixer (Thank you, Aunt Patty - I still use it!), even kitchen gadget, every soft towel.

And it seems our friend and his fiance did much the same (except our knife block was like $40, their registered one is $150!).

Some things were awesome - the Kitchen-Aid, the electric can opener (8.5 years later we still use it!), the towels.
But some things were totally useless. The shaved ice maker? Yeah, not really. Great gift, but we never touched it. Same with a few other things.

One thing we didn't even both to register for was "fine china." Really? We live in rural South Carolina. We don't use fine china. When we have guests over, we use Chinet because I don't want to have to wash dishes. Pffft - fine china. I have a friend who received all 8 place settings of very fine china she had registered for. Nine years later she said, "I don't know why we did that. We've never touched used them, and that stupid hutch takes up a ton of room. I would have rather that money gone towards our honeymoon."

Wedding gifts are fun to receive and fun to buy. The best one I ever bought for a couple was a picnic basket filled with cheap plates, cups and wine glasses. Include a bottle of wine and viola! The perfect date night picnic for two - it's fun and intimate.

What was the best wedding gift you ever received? That you ever gave?


And PS - tomorrow I will be guest blogging over at The Third Boob. Please come check it out and show me some love! Even if you're just curious about a blog called The Third Boob!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Big Surprise! You don't want to miss this one!

God is full of surprises - big and small. And this one is big. Well, technically it's still pretty small - but it's growing every day.

That's right, folks, we're having a baby.
I'll give you a minute for the shock to wear off.

I know I said I would not be having any more biological children, and I promise I didn't think I was. But my plans are not the same as God's plans. And since His plans are always perfect, we'll go with His.

This little one should be making a grand entrance right at the start of football season (woe to have a football season baby).

So stay tuned in for all the latest on Baby3!

Friday, February 24, 2012

I am the Wost Sick Person

I hear women laugh all the time about their husbands when they are sick. How the menfolk lay around, talking of death when they have a simply head cold and how they - they women - have to keep plugging along when they're sick.

Except, we're the opposite in my house.

I'm the worst sick person ever. I sit in my old La-Z-Boy bundled up, covered in used tissues and talking like I'm hallucinating, "Is that you, Grandma? Didn't you die in 1990? Have you come for me?" No, seriously, I'm not exaggerating. Just as my husband who is on the other side of that conversation sayings, "Allison, did you need more medicine?"

Yes, med me up, Doc!

My husband, on the other hand, can be coughing up a lung, have pneumonia and broken bones and will still get up, take care of the kids, and go to work. It's amazing. He's a fabulous sick person. Yes, he may sleep longer and be a little grumpy, but otherwise, he takes care of it all.

While I'm wallowing in my used-up tissues wondering where the purple sparkly unicorn went.

I hope I get over this cold quickly...

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Stopping the Spoiled

I really think my kids are spoiled.

I mean, seriously, they are spoiled. They do come from a middle-class American family, so they are automatically more privileged than a majority of the world. But really, they have way more than they could ever want.
New toys are forgotten in an hour, they think money is just automatically there.

I don't know how to stop the spoiled. I mean, they are starting to stink with rot now.

I think one of my goals this week will be to ELIMINATE - again. Every few months I throw away a garbage bag or two full or toys (usually one for trash, one for goodwill). But I think in the next few weeks I will work on serious elimination. That means cutting SB's babies down from 10 to maybe 2 or 3. And Mac's 7 Lightning McQueens - who needs 7 of the same car?

We already don't allow traditional birthday gifts. We ask all the children to bring in a small gift and we do an exchange. So my kids each get one, and each child there gets one. Win/win in my world. And it cuts down on the gifts.

And I started a chore chart, but I'm not great at keeping up with it, and neither are the kids. They do the chores they want - so cleaning up is forgotten, while easy things like making the bed or vacuuming their room is done quickly.

They also watch too much TV. I guess I need to cut that down, too. That's a biggie. Tough during rainy winters, but still, necessary.

I need to get rid of the spoiled before my children simply turn rotten - and I see that starting already. Sb is channeling Veruca Salt from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.

Any advice?

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

It's a Miracle to me...

I hope my cousin doesn't mind my blogging about her, because I'm going to do it anyway.

When Marshall and I started dating 13+ years ago, my cousin, Heather, was a single mom with a young toddler running around.
Marshall and I prayed for God to work in Heather's life. That she would find a life mate that would accept her daughter with open arms, that she would find happiness, and that she would accept Christ as her savior.

We prayed this for many years. In all that time, Heather bought a house - on her own, held a wonderful job, raised her daughter, and began to go to church.

And a few years ago, Heather married a wonderful man who loved not only her, but her 12-year-old as well. She and her daughter were baptized into the Holy Family of God.

And just last week, while talking on the phone, I was getting choked up because she was telling me she knew that God was at work, that God could do miracles and that people just needed to have faith. I was trying so hard not to cry and alarm her, but I was so proud of her.

It may not seem like much to you. But for me - someone who has prayed for the salvation of her entire family, but especially her wonderful, dear cousin - this is a miracle. One day, when I get to heaven, I know that Heather will also be going, too.

I can't say it was our prayers that did this - certainly not. But I know that through our prayers, the prayers of others and her willingness to accept God's calling in her life, a miracle of faith did happen.

And it can happen for you and your loved ones, too. Never give up.

Heather - if you read this - I love you. You are truly an inspiration to me and many others. And we know that God will prevail!

Monday, February 20, 2012

The Photo Shoot

This weekend, SB had the chance to be in a fashion photo shoot for a local children's boutique. She won a contest through the store and that put her into this photo shoot to be put into a magazine!

So of course, now I think my child is is a supermodel. Not the skinny, half-starved kind, mind you. But maybe a kind of Mia Tyler or Crystal Renn.

Anyway. She is gorgeous, as always. And I think this is just the start of a long career in the public eye for SB. Or maybe I'm just like one of those moms from Toddlers and Tiaras who is living vicariously through my child.

I just hope she had fun and will always remember when she was a fashion model. Even if it was just in a local magazine...

Friday, February 17, 2012

So, I guess I should write a Whitney post...

Unless you've been hiding under a rock, you've heard that Whitney Houston died the other day.

Do you know how I found out? Within about 3 seconds, my facebook newsfeed exploded with "OMG! Whitney is dead! I can't believe it!" And people who seemed to be truly mourning over the death of the former pop star.

Except for me.

My thought was, "Wow, I had no idea Whitney was still alive. Bummer about that."

And I seemed to be the only person in the world who felt that way. I have friends who were acting like she was a member of their family. I really think they were crying over this death.

I mean, yes, Whitney Houston was a fabulous singer. Twenty years ago. But I seriously had no idea she was still alive. And really, did she ever do anything that wonderfully fantastic?

This picture kind of sums up my thoughts on the matter:

So - Whitney's death? Yeah, sad for her family. But worth all the hype when people much more worthy of our awe and reverence are dying every day? No. No, sorry.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

500 Miles

I generally wake up each morning with a song in my head. And more often than not, it's a praise and worship song.

So the other morning I woke up with "500 miles" in my head. You know the one - The Proclaimers song from Benny & Joon.

I thought it was an odd song to have in my head. Not a song I had thought of in a while. But then I thought about Jesus singing it. Stay with me here, I know that's strange concept.

Jesus says he will always be with us. He will go the distance for us. He would walk 500 miles, then 500 more, just to be the man who'd walk a thousand miles to fall down at our door. He will give us everything we need.

Sometimes it's easy to forget that Jesus goes the distance. He takes the journey with us. He paid the price for us. He would walk to the ends of the earth for us. Each one of us. Isn't that amazing?


Monday, February 13, 2012

This is what being a mother is all about...

Last night...or shall I say early this morning...a little visitor entered my room.

"Momma. I just want to cuddle for a minute."

It was 4:45am and my son crawled into bed with me. Normally, kids are not allowed in our bed. But I thought I would let him cuddle for a minute then take him back to his room.

"Momma, I love you, and Daddy, and SB, and Mac, and the dogs, and the whole house," he said as he nestled his head against my chest and rubbed my arm.

I sighed. Mac stayed cuddled up with me until my alarm went off. This is what motherhood is all about. It makes all the frustration and exasperation worth-while.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

If You Give a Mom A Nap...(styled after If You Give a Mouse a Cookie)

If you give a mom a nap,

It's likely that she'll think to pop a load of laundry in the washer real quick before laying down.

On the way to the washer, she'll notice that everyone's sheets changing too, so she'll do that lickedy-split.

After replacing the sheets, she will see that Dad apparently doesn't know how to fold towels and have to re-do them.

Once the towels are folded, Mom will decide she wants a glass of water before laying down for her much-needed nap.

In the kitchen, she will see that they are out of eggs and start a grocery list.

As she's sorting through the pantry to see what else is needed, she will start to clean out the back of the pantry.

An hour later, after she's thrown all the expired goods away, she'll think to haul the trash outside.

On the way, she will switch the clothes from the washer to the dryer.

And when she gets outside to put the trash bag into the bin, the kids will be getting off the bus.

Sorry, Mom, no nap for you today.

This post was written using MamaKat's Writing Prompts.
Mama’s Losin’ It

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

They Didn't Call

Part of our agreement in adopting Mac was that a certain set of his biorelatives would have visits with him four times a year.

I don't really blog about it because it's his and their time, not mine, even though we're all there and I have to answer the same 5 questions for 4 straight hours. But I won't go there. I work very hard not to speak ill of these people, because really they are fairly nice.

They were scheduled to have a visit with Mac in January. Typically, they call about 2 weeks before Visit Month and we set up a date and location for the visit. We've done everything from the zoo to the movies, museums to play parks.

Typically, I get a call for Christmas. They want to talk to "The Baby." I have to remind them that Mac is no longer a baby, but I think they just don't want to use the name we gave him. And typically we get a call for his birthday, having just passed as you know.
And the visit is in-between where they inundate him with old toys he's either too young or too old for and clothes that fit last year. But they mean very well and really do love him. They are very sweet and also usually bring SB a little gift as well.

But they didn't call. No phone calls or cards. No scheduled visit. Nothing. Now, these people are elderly. I've checked the obituaries, I hate to say. Nothing.

I know what you're saying - we could call them, but Marshall and I firmly feel that if they want to see him, they will call. It's not up to us to schedule their visits. We send cards and pictures at appropriate times (Christmas, his birthday, and after visits so they have pics from the visit.).

Did they give up on my son? As much as Marshall and I dread the visits, we think it's the best thing for Mac so we support them happening. They haven't missed one yet. I'm shocked.
I'm happy for me - we don't dislike these people, but we don't trust them with an inch.
But I am so very sad for my son. Why didn't they call? Did the last people from his biological family who cared give up? If they're sick or if they've died, would someone tell us?

Being part of a forced open adoption is a strange thing. It's all so unknown.
I think I will send a card to them with Mac's birthday pics in it... maybe we'll get something back. Even if it's bad news.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Mom, Where Are My Shoes?

Before school one day last week, SB came to me very upset.
"Mom. I can't find my boots," she huffed, tears welling up in her eyes.
I, sympathetic as always, say, "You wore them yesterday. Where did you take them off?"
Now we have tear spillage. "I don't know!"

In our house, shoes go into the Shoe Bin. All the shoes are supposed to go off of feet and into bin. I try to keep everything organized by bin, but SB has lately taken to keeping her shoes in her room because two small shoes can be easily lost in a bin with 41 other shoes (yes, 41, because there's always a shoe missing).

"Are they in your room?"
"No," she assures me. "I looked there."
So we check the living room. No boots.
We look in the kitchen - entry way to our house - and no boots.
We look in the dining room, play room and her brother's room and no boots.

Finally I go back to her room.
And sitting on the floor, square in the middle of the floor, are those darn boots.

Seriously? Seriously?
"SB! I thought you said you looked in your room!"
She runs to her room and proclaims, "I did! They're not here!"
Then she sees the boots. In the middle of the floor. Where, I can only assume, she put them the night before so as not to lose them.
"Oh," she says, "How did they get there?"

Sometimes, I think she does this just to mess with me.

I remember so many times not being able to find things right under my nose. My mom was an expert finder, too.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Four Years Ago...

Four years ago, this was a regular old day for me. But it was the day my son was born.
I've said before that knowing NOTHING about his birth has made me sad. I had no idea what was happening, I had no idea that a precious little boy was being born who would need us and would come into our lives like a whirlwind. I even checked my calendar after he did come home - and there was nothing on my calendar for that day.
It does make me sad. Many adoptive families were there when their child was born...or at least knew about it. No such luck for us. Now, if you ask me about the day he came home. That day gives me the warm fuzzies. That is the day I want to celebrate having a son.
But this day is the day my son was born. I am eternally grateful that his biological parents chose life for this precious child. I am eternally grateful that God chose us to be his family.

Mac is the most amazing child. He's all boy. He loves cars and Cars. And trains. And anything with wheels. He is LOUD and a ball of energy. He's mischievous and a daredevil. I don't get him, but I am so glad I got him. He's my baby. And he's four years old today.

Thank you, Lord, for this wonderful child!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I've Been Tagged, Come On, It' Fun!

Let’s play tag!
Yay! I was tagged by Sarah at The Mama Pirate Go check out her answers too, she is awesome!
Here are the rules:
1. You must post the rules
2. Post 12 fun facts about yourself in the blog post
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and then create 12 new questions for the people you tagged.
4. Tag 12 people & link them on your post. (or as many as you like)
5. Let them know you’ve tagged them.

12 Facts all about me!

1.      I am scared to death of clowns.
2.      My favorite animal is the elephant.
3.      I enrolled my children in preschool not to enrich their education or to socialize them, but to get them out of my hair.
4.      Adoption is the coolest and also saddest thing ever.
5.      I’m a junk-food addict and I hate fruit except for apples (red only) and the occasional grape (also red/purple only).
6.      I cried when my husband moved “his” stuff into “our” house when we got married. I was ready for him, just not all his junk.
7.      I could drink milk all day, every day. It’s my beverage of choice besides sweet tea.
8.      I don’t like cheese, despite my love of dairy. But I will eat pizza and cheez-its like they’re going out of style. But just cheese, lasagna, or grilled cheese? GROSS!
9.      I will do anything myself to save a few dollars. Unless it’s a household chore of some type. Then I say pay someone to do it!
10.  My favorite colors are purple and orange and I think Clemson might have had something to do with that.
11.  I have completed 2 novels and am almost done with a 3rd. Now if only I had a publisher…
12.  If I could, I would throw away every toy in my house. Not because I’m a mean mommy, just because I’m so tired of the clutter.

Sarah’s questions to me:
1. What is your favorite ice cream flavor? Cookies & cream
2. Do you have any tattoos? How many and what of? Been inked 5 times into 3 tattoos – First was my heart-shaped music note (age 20). Loved it. Then had the not-so-bright idea to add a fairy sprinkling fairy dust over said music note (age 21). Except it turned out as Bart Simpson in Tinkerbelle’s dress and my “sprinkling” turned into a “waterfall.” Then I had it touched up so Bart became a little more feminine (age 22). My cousin and I got matching 4-leaf clovers between our shoulder blades, and that means a lot to me (age 26). Then while fighting to keep our son I got snowflakes on my calf to represent our family (age 29). I’m itching for more! They’re addictive!
3. What was your first pet? Mine personally? My long-haired Chihuahua Marcel. He’s almost 13 now!
4. Favorite day of the week? Tuesday. Always has been.
5. Least favorite chore? Any of them that involve cleaning or washing.
6. What inspired your blog name? It started out as Mommy’s Scoop, but evolved into my being “A Few Sprinkles Short of a Sundae.”
7. How do you unwind at the end of the day? Reading
8. If you were going to be reincarnated as an animal, what would you want to come back as? I don’t believe in reincarnation, so I would say nothing.
9. What is your favorite site to get the news from? Facebook!
10. What was the last place you went on vacation? Disney World – last week!
11. What is your favorite holiday? Saint Patrick’s day!
12. What is the first thing you do when you get online? (check you e-mail, read blogs, get on Facebook, etc.) Facebook!

My Questions:

1.      Who inspires you and why?
2.      Do you prefer skill games (Risk), chance games (Life), trivia games (Trivial Pursuit) or wordy games (Scrabble)?
3.      Do you take a daily vitamin? Do you think you should?
4.      What are your strange habits?
5.      Do you like your name? Why or why not?
6.      If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?
7.      Oreos – regular or double stuf?
8.      Tell me about your pets.
9.      Do you want (more) children?
10.  Who is your favorite TV character and why?
11.  What piece of technology can’t you live without (phone, ipad, laptop, etc)?
12.  If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

OK, tagging a few people:
and anyone else who wants to jump in! Let me know your answers!


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