Sunday, June 19, 2011

Day of the Fathers

Today is Father's Day, in case you missed the 10,000 Lowe's commercials that have been on TV this month.
And in honor of Father's Day, I wanted to salute my dear husband, Marshall, who is an amazing father and husband. He provides for us, he puts up with my only slightly better than adequate cooking, he himself is an amazing cook who should do so more often, he handles the children when I decide I need to hide under my covers, and he kills bugs.

The bug thing is very important.

He's also wonderful because when I begged him to tell me something he wanted for this joyous and festive day, he could come up with nothing, so we all lugged off to Lowe's (home of the 10,000 commercials). He picked out a few things here and there so he could get back to fiddling with woodwork and graciously allowed me to buy Bakerella's Cake Pops book that cost more than his items combined (and hey - it was something like 25% off).

I thought, in honor of Dad's Day, I would do a Top 10 things that make a good dad.
  1. He keeps Mom happy.
  2. He allows the kids to use him as a pony & jungle gym.
  3. He changes poopy diapers.
  4. He gives the kids a bath at least once a week.
  5. He lets the kids play with his iPhone/Droid even though they make the screen sticky.
  6. He agrees to tea parties with Mr. Snuggles and Mrs. Pricklybottom.
  7. He knows when to hand over the car keys and when not to.
  8. He attempts to listen and discipher his drama queen daughter's latest plight, but in the end turns it over to Mom.
  9. He sticks up for his son when he's being picked on.
  10. He prays with his family each day.
Whether you've been a dad for a few days or a few decades, we honor all of you father's out there!

And to the father of my children (yes, I mean Marshall!), thank you for all you do. I love you!


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