Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Power of Prayer

I am a firm believer in prayer. I hope you are too.

I truly believe that if someone prays with an honest heart, God will answer their prayer. Now, I'll be honest here and mention that God's answer might just be "no." But the Bible says, "Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you." (Matthew 7:7)

We spent many years asking God to allow us to be parents it took two years of prayer before we got SB and then 21 months of prayer before we could adopt Mac. There were times we thought we would be denied. And certainly God did not answer in OUR timing, but in HIS.

We have been praying for nearly 4 years for Marshall's business to take off in incredible ways...and we're still praying that. They're still afloat, but it would be so nice to know that we would be getting a regular paycheck. We continue to pray for that and I know that one day God will answer.

I had a dear friend go through a fight with cancer two years ago. It was scary but she had so many people praying for her. Today she's healthy and thriving. Sadly, I had another friend many years ago also fight cancer and she lost her battle. Were prayers unanswered? No. She received ultimate healing, which sadly took her from this life. But she is whole and healthy and that's what counts.

Prayer is so powerful. If you have a need this week, pray for it. Ask someone else to pray for you. I find that when we humble ourselves and ask for prayer God is more apt to listen. First because more people are praying for a situation and secondly because we were brave enough to share our needs.

God bless you this week and in the weeks to come!


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