Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Eve

It's New Year's Eve. A night of celebration. Old endings and new beginnings.

I'm always a little melancholy this time of year. While I am happy to look forward to new adventures, I don't like seeing an end to old ones.

Now - there are some wonderful, fantastic things that happened this year. Wanna hear? Of course!

  1. Mac's adoption was finalized after 21 long months!
  2. My neice, Madison, came through brain surgery with flying colors!
  3. Marshall's business is still going!
  4. I had a support system I never thought possible before!
  5. My best friend had a second daughter, who is gorgeous and fat! (and who doesn't love a fat baby?)
  6. At our church alone, more than 300 people gave their life to Christ in 2010!
But some not so great things happened. People I care deeply about were hurt. Loved ones were lost. Bills piled so high they toppled over.

Of course, the good out weigh the bad. But 2010 was such a year that I'm sad to see it go, but I look forward to the possibilities of next year. So many things planned...yet I know it's only God's plan that will work out. I just hope we're on the same page!

God Bless you as you look forward into 2011!


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